A Heart Overflowing With Gratitude

I’ve seen many little signs in gift shops that say, “gratitude is an attitude.” It’s a catchy phrase, but it is a positive truth. Gratitude is an emotion. When you are profoundly grateful it swells up within you and it must express itself. It is focusing on all aspects of our lives, and being thankful for them. Gratitude stops us from taking things or people for granted. It stops and takes note of the little things God has blessed us with. The grateful person looks out the window and sees the rain nourishing the earth and thanks God for it, instead of grumbling that it’s a nasty day to be doing errands. The grateful attitude thanks God for the ability and means to run those errands. Gratitude pauses, notices, and appreciates all the little things that God has provided. It is an attitude that is all-consuming and can’t be hidden. It also changes the attitude of others through a smile, a thank you, or a sincere concern for others.

In Colossians 3:17, Paul reminds us that our actions should show forth our thanks to God. The second word of the verse is “whatsoever,” in other words, whatever we do, in what we say and how we act, we are to do it in Jesus’ name while we give thanks. God demands this attitude, and we are to honor Him with it. This same command is given in I Corinthians 10:31. Paul starts this verse with eating and drinking and quickly advances to whatsoever. He is making sure we understand the magnitude of this command. As Christians, all we do is to be done for God’s honor and glory at all times. His example of eating and drinking were common to everyone several times a day. This is a reminder that our provisions are a gift from God. This was a command given to all, every Christian is to live in such a way that we give the right opinion of who God is and what He has done for us.

Colossians 3:17”And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

I Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Living with this kind of attitude is contagious. I remember when my children were young, I had read a book about the mom being the holy spirit of the home. It went on to teach how much our attitudes rub off on those around us. So, I did my own little experiment. I purposefully was cheerful in my approach to everyone in the home. I put on Christian music that was soothing and balanced. I spoke with a smile and answered with a calm voice. It was amazing! The whole house had an attitude change, and everything ran smoother. The next day I did the opposite, and yes everything changed. In a noticeably brief time, everyone was grumpy. The kids were fussing, and no one was happy. There was no doubt that my attitude had a profound effect on my family. This caused me to think about why God gave Paul these two verses for us. If we live our lives with an attitude of gratitude to God for everything, others will notice.

If we are to impact this world for Christ it must be a constant effort. We are to show them to whom we are thankful, and that we are thankful for all His provisions. Little or big, sad, happy, good, or bad, our circumstances shouldn’t change our attitude of thankfulness. God has been so good to us that our hearts should have a continual praise for Him. Even when we are in distress or pain, He comforts us. In the tough times of making choices, He gives us wisdom. In times of temptation, He brings verses to our memory so that we have ammunition to fight. When grief is overwhelming, He gives us grace to accept and move forward. He is always a good God and always to be praised. He alone deserves gratitude from a thankful heart. In all things and at all times we are to show gratitude. I can only imagine how the world would be different if our attitudes showed perpetual gratitude to God. I wonder how many more would see Jesus in us and want what we have. When was the last time someone took note of how you managed things differently than most would expect? Seek to let your gratitude be your attitude 24/7! If you do it will overflow.

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