Abounding In Holiness

Many will see this title and decide it isn’t for them. We live in a world where Christians want Jesus so they can go to Heaven when they die but have no intentions or desires to grow to be like Him. They want a Sunday morning religion that makes them feel good. At best, these Christians are lukewarm, deceived, or never truly saved. God’s design of salvation was to forgive us so we could spend eternity with Him, but He left us here to be a holy witness to others. He wants us to abound in our holy walk for Him. Our love and gratitude for what He has done for us should propel us to live a holy life that is pleasing to Him.

If we are going to live a life of holiness, we must understand the biblical definition of holiness. To be holy is to be without sin. Only God is without sin, but we are to live each day seeking to be more like Him. In I Thessalonians 4:1, Paul instructs the church at Thessalonica to live pleasing God. He uses the word beseech, which in our terminology is to beg. He then uses the word exhort, this is to emphatically urge them to live their lives with one goal in mind, “to please God.” In verse 1, he also gives the benefit of his exhortations that they “would abound more and more.” 

I Thessalonians 4:1 “Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.

After seeking to encourage and challenge them Paul reminds them of some things they need to stay away from if they are going to grow in their faith. They are to abstain, stay away from anything that could lead to fornication and any sexual sin. Sexual sins have been around forever, but never has it been as widespread and exploited as it is now. It is everywhere! Clothing is designed to reveal the sensual areas of the body. It is not uncommon even for Christians to want to look sexy. Programs on television are full of words and actions that reveal the sexual desires of mankind. It is so in our face that many Christians have become desensitized to it. We have accepted the idea that if we are not physically committing a sinful act that it is ok. But the Bible teaches in Matthew chapter 5:27 through 5:48 that if it is in the heart, you have sinned and are as guilty as committing the act. In verse 5 he warns of the sin of “concupiscence.” This is a longing for what is forbidden, it is looking at the world and desiring to live like them.

I Thessalonians 4:2-5 “For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor. Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God:”

He reminds them in verse 6, that God is the avenger of those who has done any of these sins against His children. Paul continues to remind them of their call to live a holy life. This is what God expects from them, and what God expects He will provide the means to achieve it.

I Thessalonians 4:6-7 “That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.”

He concludes this admonition by reminding them that ultimately when they or we disregard the commands to live a holy life, we are disregarding God. We have chosen to live in disobedience to God. God has given us every means we need to live a holy life that will honor Him. We have His Word, great teachers, and preachers to guide us along the way. But most of all, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us to teach us and direct our steps.

I Thessalonians 4:8 “He, therefore, that despised, despised not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.”

We are to take Paul’s words as if they were written to us as individuals. We are to understand they are inspired by God. All of the Bible is given for our instruction in righteousness. It is our responsibility to study, learn, and obey. Examine yourself today and think about the ways the world has caused you to think differently from God’s word. What are you doing, watching, hearing, that you would be ashamed for Jesus to participate with you? Are you abounding in holiness?

II Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

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