Are You A Sheep Or A Goat?

I’ve never been around sheep very much. I’ve been to a farm or two that raised sheep, and I was amazed that their character traits were so different from the goats I’ve seen. While growing up, there have been a few goats that have crossed my path. I remember one morning when I was 4 years old, seeing my Mom play tug of war with a goat. My uncle’s goat had gotten out of his pen and decided to eat the sheets my Mom had washed and hung on a line to dry. With a broom in one hand and one end of the sheets in another, my Mom proceeded to rescue the sheets. The battle was on. My Mom had pulled and pulled trying to get the goat to let go. She used the broom to whack the goat and each time she gained an inch, but he still would not let go. This goat would eat anything and was not picky about whose items he ate. Mom won the war that day, but not until the sheets were damaged beyond repair. Sheep are very particular about what they eat, and they are not fighters. So, which one are you:  a sheep or a goat?

In Matthew 25:31 – 33, Jesus uses sheep and goats to illustrate those that are truly His. Jesus has often been called the great Shepherd. Sheep are taken care of by a Shepherd. While on this earth, goats often get mixed in with sheep, but you can always tell the difference if you pay attention to their actions.

Sheep are usually mild and innocent in their behavior. They are not mean and combative. They are gentle and most always follow their shepherd wherever he goes. Sometimes a sheep will need to be wounded to become dependent on his shepherd, but he learns quickly and becomes a loyal sheep. They are patient and will stand for hours waiting for the next cue from their shepherd. They will push in close to one another to get close to the shepherd and that also provides some protection for each other. A sheep is useful. You can shear them year after year and use their wool for clothing and many other items. You can also use them for food. Sheep are not wasteful. They use their energy wisely. When a sheep is taken to a grassy area, they will eat the grass down to the roots before moving to the next blade of grass. They do not waste time running here and there looking for a bite, but graze where the shepherd has placed them until he moves them again.

A goat is usually combative and hostile, even to the one who feeds him. A goat rarely sticks close to his master. They are more adventurous than sheep and will wander off to find a bite that is different than what the master has provided. A goat is not patient. I remember taking my grandson to a petting zoo when he was 2 years old. He was so excited to feed the animals, but he soon realized the sheep were getting nothing and the goat was filling up. There were several people in the pen and this goat proceeded to push the sheep out of the way and advance to the hand that was feeding them. He didn’t care who held the feed, he only wanted the food. The goats are more muscular than sheep and usually have horns. Their build is geared for a more aggressive animal. Their usefulness is limited to their milk and their meat. There may be those who are reading this and cannot connect what I’m saying with their experience with a goat. That is because the goats we envision are domesticated farm animals. They have been bred to be useful on the farm and tamer to their masters. They can act just like sheep, but they are still goats!

One day Jesus will judge every one of us. In Matthew 25:32 he uses the sheep and the goat to illustrate the dividing when He comes to judge.

Matthew 25:31-33  “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divided his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.”

Those who are goats, but have lived with the sheep and acted like the sheep, will be found out. Many go to church and claim to be Christians, but they have never been saved. Some are deceived and some are imposters. Some have said a prayer but have never repented and surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. They have convinced themselves they are ok because they have followed the rituals of the church and have acted as a Christian should. There should come a time in each of our lives when we get on our knees and search our hearts to see if we are truly His. Jesus knows His sheep; He cannot be fooled.

John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

What are your traits? Are you combative when challenged to be more like Christ? Are you lazy and eat whatever you can instead of feasting on the word of God? Do you seek every day to be close to the Master, finding yourself wanting more from His hand than you do from the world around you? Are you satisfied to run with the herd and follow along as if you are a good sheep when you know you are an imposter? Are you submissive and humble or hostile and prideful?

You may have been an imposter so long you have deceived yourself, but there is one thing for sure. When Jesus returns to judge all of us, He will divide the sheep from the goats and there will be no opportunity to change then. It will be done! So, which are you today, a sheep of a goat?



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