Be Aware !

I have trained myself through the years to wake up, say a prayer, and try to remember what the day holds for me. Now that we are both retired, I wake up and try to remember what day it is, proceed with my prayer, etc. I have my own little ritual. I head straight for the coffee pot. I grab a cup of coffee, say good morning to Ron, head to my computer, and begin my studies. I have an e-sword on my computer, which is a wonderful tool for studying the word of God.

This is such a routine that I think I could do it in my sleep. Most of us live the entire day, week, and month like this on auto-pilot. The positive side of this is that “things” get done, but the negative side is that we miss the opportunities to really see God working in our lives.

The quest to accomplish sometimes robs us of the blessings of the journey. God never intended for our relationship with him to be a ritual. His intent was joy, abounding joy, full joy, a confident joy;

In I John 1:4, John states, “And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” This joy is not a “lol” or a “haha,” but a deep-seated confidence that he is in total control and is working for our ultimate good.”

Romans 8:28  “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Colossians 1:17  “And he is before all things, and by him, all things consist.”

Jeremiah 32:27  “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”

As you seek to complete the day’s task, remind yourself to be aware that you are not in this alone. He is there for you and with you! See him in all that is around you. The beauty of the earth – a reminder he’s the creator. The person that is cursing and mocking the things of God – a reminder that Satan is their master, and they will spend eternity with him unless they turn to Christ. A Christ that you can represent to them. The homeless person that stands on the street, that you can think of as a brother, a reminder this is a soul that Christ died for. The Christian who seems to be irritable and cranky today is a reminder that Satan is still seeking us to devour us like a roaring lion. 1 Peter 5:8

Look around and be aware of his presence and the opportunities he is giving you. Not only be aware but make others aware of Him! I know for some, this is difficult. You may be a stay-at-home mom, home because of an illness, or just consider yourself a shy person, but we need to take time to be creative and understand that the internet, grocery pick-up, doctor’s visits, and telephone all present opportunities to represent Christ to a world that desperately needs Him.

How’s your awareness?

What opportunity did you pass up today because you were consumed with yourself and your own accomplishments?

I wonder how we will feel when we stand before Him, and He reveals those opportunities to us.

As you rush through life, look around and be aware of those in your sight. You never know when God will bring someone who needs Him your way. Think about it!


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