Brothers Don’t Believe

So many times, those who are closest to us doubt us. You tell them of your success and they automatically start asking questions as to how it came about. Some think you’ll fail in the future and your success will be short-lived. People who have lived with you all your life somehow miss the great things about you and remember your weaknesses. Sometimes it is out of jealousy that they refuse to encourage and believe. If this is you, you are in good company. Jesus’ own brothers didn’t believe he was the Messiah.

John 7:5 “For neither did his brethren believe in him.” 

Jesus brothers, the ones who had known him his whole life, the ones we would have expected to believe, did not at the time John penned these words. Matthew Henry believes they were disgusted when they found there was no prospect of worldly advantages for them.

John 7:1-4 “ After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. Now the Jews’ feast of tabernacles was at hand. His brethren, therefore, said unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest. For there is no man that doeth anything in secret, and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things, shew thyself to the world.”

In the first verse of this chapter, we see it is already getting dangerous for Jesus to walk openly among the devout Jews. They were seeking to kill him. His brothers truly don’t get it, they want him to go to Judaea so he can show off what he can do. In verse 4, they suppose that he can be influenced like other men. They thought he would seek popularity. There would be a great crowd in Jerusalem for the feast and they thought this would be the perfect time to make himself known. Probably this was done in a mocking way. Their next statement was “If thou do,” shows there was no belief in the miracles he did either. More proof they don’t understand who he is.

I find their request to be very much like the soldiers and one of the thieves on the cross. In Luke 23:36, the soldiers mocked Him and told Him if he was the Christ to save himself. In Luke 23:39 one of the thieves said almost the same thing.

Luke 23:39  “And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.” 

How could this be when they had grown up with this big brother? How could Mary not have told them what had happened to her? It is all beyond my comprehension how anyone can not believe, yet the world is full of unbelievers.

The unbelief of the brothers is no different than what people, then and today, expect of Jesus. People then wanted a sign, but today, they still want a sign. Something miraculous that can prove to them he is who he says he is. Now and then, people want a Christ of their own expectations, one who will do what they deem needful for them, but not one who will rule their life.

Finally, after the resurrection, we find they do believe. We find them in the upper room among the 120 disciples who were waiting on the descent of the Holy Spirit. Maybe they were there at the accession? We don’t really know, but we do know they became believers.

Today, you may be a believer with family members who don’t believe your Savior is real, nor that He has changed you. Never fear, Jesus knows exactly how you feel. Follow his example, and don’t try to impress them by doing something great. Live every day sold out to Him and be consistent. Your life change and your faithfulness for the long haul will be more convincing than anything you can say. Jesus brothers did finally believe. So, hang on when your family doubts you, trust and obey because you are in good company with Jesus!



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