Christmas And Little Children

Almost everywhere you look during this season of celebrating Christmas you will find children. Commercials, TV programs, and movies include children unwrapping gifts, sitting on Santa’s lap, or waking up and running down the stairs to see what is under the Christmas tree. Christmas to them is a time of joy and excitement. It is a time that is approached with great anticipation. Little children represent many character traits that Jesus wants us to have in our lives.

Children have a faith that is pure and unwavering. In Hebrews 11:1, we are taught that the nature of true faith is confidence in what is hoped for but not seen. It is believing God and taking Him at His word. If you don’t believe that children easily believe in what they cannot see, think about how easy it is to convince them of Santa Clause or the tooth fairy. They readily accept what you have told them. That is why it is so important to fill your children’s lives with those who are Christians. They should be around those who believe in the word of God. One teacher who doesn’t believe in God is enough to make them question if God is real. They trust their teacher, so they believe them. It is vital to their eternal soul that you teach them about God, His love, His holiness, and His limitless abilities, such as creation before they enter a public school. A good way to teach them about God is through music. Simple songs like “Jesus Love Me.” When we hear songs, they get stuck in our brains, and before we know it, we are humming and replaying God’s truth in our minds. You are also giving the Holy Spirit something to work with when they are told a lie.

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Another great characteristic of children is an openness to trying new things and learning on their own. As an adult, we tend to want to be spoon-fed the word and even get to the point we aren’t willing to study things out to understand. We have preconceived ideas and tend to like things the way we are used to them. We tend to be lazy when it comes to studying to show ourselves approved unto God. Young children tend to push as long as their bodies will let them. I have seen children playing as hard as they can, not wanting to take a nap, and finally, in the middle of an activity or even a sentence, they fall over on the floor asleep. We need to be adventurous and curious like a child. We need to persevere as long as our bodies allow. However, as adults, we tend to lean toward comfort and entitlement. We work all day so instead of coming home and taking time to pour God’s word and truths into our children, we allow them to play on their own while we chill out. Play with your kids, and use everyday situations to teach them about God. Have a family devotion every night even if it’s only 5-10 minutes, you are developing a character trait of opening God’s word together.

II Timothy 2:15 “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

If you watch children they can hardly wait until Christmas morning. They have an eagerness about them that is fresh and unpolluted. This is what Jesus saw in Mark 10:14-15. The little children were being brought to Jesus, and they readily approached Him, but the disciples did not want the children to get to Jesus. When Jesus saw this, he rebuked His disciples and told them to permit them to come to Him. Jesus goes on to say that the one who does not come as a child will not enter Heaven. The commentator Albert Barnes says come as a little child means, “with the temper and spirit of a child – teachable, mild, humble, and free from prejudice and obstinacy.”

Mark10:14-15 “But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

This Christmas if you have children pay attention to their eagerness and their desire to learn and explore. Take time to bring the nativity to life as you prepare for Christmas day. Teach them to love God’s word and that it has all the answers for life within its pages either through a direct command or through biblical principles. Maybe the best thing you can do is to become as a child yourself!


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