Compassion Like Jesus


The definition of compassion is a sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Suffering comes in all sizes and shapes. It can be a physical issue or a mental one. It can be something caused by another, an act of nature, or self-inflicted. Compassion is the heart’s response to a need, combined with a helping hand that offers mercy and grace. The world is full of people who need compassion. I believe God places people all around us and brings us into situations where we can show compassion, and many times we miss the opportunity.

Jesus was full of compassion and showed it many times while living on earth. In Matthew 9:36, he was moved with compassion on those who seemed to wander through life as sheep would that had no shepherd. Sheep without a shepherd are pitiful. They wander around, not really knowing what to do and where to go. His pity in this passage was a pity for their souls.

Matthew 9:36 “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.”

The Pharisees criticized him for spending much time with those no one else cared about, those tax collectors and sinners. His response to them in Matthew 9:12 was, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.”  He not only had compassion on them, but He also sought out people who needed compassion.

Another situation where Jesus shows compassion is in Matthew 14. Here, the multitude was following Jesus, wanting to hear Him and wanting Him to heal their sick.  Jesus gets in a boat to move away from them to mourn the loss of His cousin John the Baptist. John was the one who was teaching others about Jesus and preparing the way for Jesus, the Messiah, to be received by the people. No doubt they were close. Jesus loved John greatly, and now John had been beheaded for speaking the truth about sin. The multitude heard he had left the area in a boat. Instead of going home, they walked around the lake to the other side. Did Jesus pick up the oars and get away from them so he could grieve in private? No, He laid aside his own needs and showed compassion for others. He showed compassion and healed the sick. I believe that we determine the amount of compassion we have for others by the needs we have in our own lives. If we have recently suffered loss, we see only what is happening in our lives. However, God may have allowed you to suffer so that you would have empathy for others. Instead of using our situation to help us understand others, we use it as an excuse to focus on ourselves rather than others.

 Matthew 14:14 “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.

How often have we avoided someone because we knew the conversation would lead to their need? How many times have we walked on the other side of a street because there was a panhandler begging for money? I know I have done this. I judged in my mind that they should take advantage of the resources our government or charitable organizations that are available. I have judged their needs according to what I thought, without even knowing their story.

I understand many panhandles for a living and seek to deceive the public. They sometimes have more than those who work hard. However, I should see their spiritual needs. If they are seeking to make a living by deception, they are the most pitiful of all because they are condemning their own souls. If they are in this situation because they are lazy, then offer to help them find work. If they are hungry, offer them a meal. Offer in ways that your help cannot be abused.

So much of the time, we are so consumed with our own agenda that we don’t want to take the time to help someone. Some situations only need a friend to listen. Their situations in life have hurt them deeply, and no one seems to care. A listening ear can lead to an encouraging word. It can lead them to hope for the future and a resolution that they can succeed in life with Jesus. If we are to be like Jesus, we must see the needs of others and be moved to do something about it. I know of many lives that have been changed simply because someone cared enough to show the compassion of Jesus. If we will seek to show compassion like Jesus, we can make a difference in this world.

Jude 1:22 “And of some have compassion, making a difference:”

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