Do You Keep The Golden Rule

People all over the world refer to the golden rule from time to time. Their interpretation is to treat others like you want to be treated. In Matthew 7:12, Jesus is nearing the end of His “Sermon on the Mount.”  He drops a verse in the middle of this chapter that teaches us to treat others the way we want to be treated.

Matthew 7:12 “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. 

This seems to be a logical way to live in harmony with others. Yet, we live in such a self-centered world that it is not practiced by the majority. We become so focused on ourselves that we tend to have tunnel vision and ignore the needs of others. Think about the actions you exhibit. Do you show mercy when someone does you wrong? Mercy is showing compassion or forgiveness toward someone when it is within your power to punish or harm them. The way we tend to violate this godly attribute is to tell others what someone has done to us. We tarnish their reputation because they have hurt us. We have the power to grant mercy and forgiveness just as Christ does for us. In our minds, we justify our actions because we have been hurt. The person keeping the golden rule forgives even when the violator does not seek forgiveness. That is God’s way!

The golden rule causes us to go the extra mile for others. We do not consider what we have done for them and feel it is enough. We continue to help when we know there is no earthly benefit for us. We forget about ourselves. This is the Christian attribute taught in Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”  Humility will guide you to keep the golden rule.

Every situation we face in life gives us the opportunity to exhibit this Christ-like action. The test is not about what you think you would do in a given situation. The test is what you do in a situation. Keeping the golden rule is treating others the way we would want them to treat us if we were in their shoes. It is to put others’ best interests above our own. The reason we do this is stated in verse 5, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”  This is what Jesus would do.

This is not a command to only be used with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but it should be a way of life for us with everyone we come in contact with. It becomes a testimony of the grace of God when we show this kind of love and concern for others. We all want grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness exhibited to us, and that is what we should extend to others. We do not do it because they deserve it or because there is something we can gain from them. We do it because that is how God treats us. Where would we be without God’s mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness? We would be doomed to eternal hell.

In life, we will encounter all types of people and find ourselves in situations where we can live out the golden rule. We are not to decide who we want to show this to; it is to be our way of life, extended to everyone.  In Acts 10:34-35 we see that God offers all people the same forgiveness:  “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. But in every nation, he that fears  him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.”  He loves everyone and wants all to be saved and spend eternity with Him. In II Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

God’s plan is for us to be the hands, feet, and mouthpiece for Him. We are to be like Jesus in every possible way. When we live out the golden rule, others will see it. They will know there is something different about us. We will not be like the world but will be so different in the love we show others that some may ask, “What is it with you?” Then, your opportunity will come to tell them about the one who lives inside you and empowers you to be a witness for Him. Obeying the golden rule could mean the difference between Heaven and Hell for someone else. We must think about this wherever we go and whatever we do. God will provide opportunities, but it is up to us to obey. Examine yourself and see how you are doing. Every evening, think back on how you treated others. Did you keep the golden rule?

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