Do You Know the Song


As I was reading through Revelation 14 Sunday morning before I went to church, I was impressed by verse 3. This verse talks about those who are around the throne of God worshiping Him. Heaven was full of angels, creatures, and people who were there for one purpose: to worship God. There was exuberant singing. Do you know the song they were singing and who was singing it?

Revelation 14:3 “And they sang as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.”

Those singing this new song were the saints who were redeemed from the earth. They were doing something that was distinctly for them. They were singing a new song. Their song meant nothing to others around the throne because others could not truly understand the meaning of the song. This was a song of the Redeemed! Only those who have been forgiven can truly understand redemption. Angels cannot sing this song. Only those who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb can sing this song. I believe the Redeemed will sing this song louder and more jubilant than any song that has ever been sung. Why? Because they understand the meaning. Every word is an expression of their gratitude and praise for what has been done for them.

While pondering these thoughts about the “new song,” I began to think of the songs we sing in church. I wondered how many on Sunday morning would be singing songs they really didn’t understand or cherish—songs that were sung out of habit, songs that took their praise no higher than the roof, songs that they did not fully comprehend.

What about the song Amazing Grace? When you sing this song, do you really grasp the magnitude of the message? Do you truly contemplate how amazing God’s grace really is? The song leads us through the life of someone who is thinking deeply about their life before salvation. To them, the sound of amazing grace is sweet. This grace has been extended to them when they were wretched and lost. The realization of their depravity causes them to understand the beauty of God’s grace. As they progress through this life’s perils, they look forward to the day when their grace will be complete. The day when eternity begins. As we sing this song, if we have been redeemed, joy, peace, praise, and love should swell up within us to the point we feel we are going to burst. When we understand the meaning, our singing will be vibrant and alive.

Another song that should bring us to heartfelt praise is “It Is Well.” The writer of this song expresses the calmness and peace that only God can give. Horatio Spafford, a businessman, from Chicago, wrote this song after a tragedy. Mr. Spafford and his family were to travel to Europe, but unexpected business caused Spafford to be delayed. He sent his wife and four daughters on ahead. During their voyage, their ship crashed into another ship. All four daughters died, and Mrs. Spafford survived. After arriving in Europe, she sent her husband a telegram saying, “Saved alone, what shall I do?”  He boarded a ship to join his grieving wife. Four days into the voyage, the captain called Spafford to his cabin and told him they were over the place where the children died. It was on this journey that he penned the song “It Is Well.” The song is a song that places God and His wisdom on the throne of our lives. It is having enough faith to believe that whatever comes our way, we have the assurance that God loves us, is in control, and all is well with our souls. There is nothing between us and God that would hinder our relationship. We have completely put our faith and trust in Him.

 If we are to be ready to sing this new song, we need to practice now. How much sweeter Heaven will be if we focus on Christ and all He has done for us. As we start getting prepared to sing this song, we will be looking for His return. We will not be dreading death because we are looking forward to spending time with the one of whom we sing.

What about you? Do you know the song of the redeemed? Do you sing the songs of faith expressing your gratitude and love for what Christ has done for you? No one but the redeemed will be able to sing this song, and only the redeemed will truly understand it. Thinking about it makes me want to sing it now.

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One Response to Do You Know the Song

  1. Ron Franks says:


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