I have heard many times that “a faith that can’t be tested, can’t be trusted.” In thinking about that statement, I find it to be true. What kind of faith will not stand the test of trials and tribulations? Job had faith that stood the test, and he certainly went through much more than anyone I have ever known. He lost everything, his children, his wealth, and even his health. His own wife did not understand that his faith was in a God that was in control of everything. She told him to curse God and die. (Job 2:9) Job didn’t understand what God was doing in his life, but he still placed his faith in God. On the flip side, what good would it do to curse God and die? God was his only hope and our only hope.
I Peter 1:7 “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it is tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:”
The trying or testing of our faith determines what kind of faith we have. Is it real or is it just words? The testing proves if it is genuine. Gold, when tried in the fire, will melt down and change, the heat will separate the gold from the elements that make it unpure. Faith is much like gold, if it is real it will not perish under pressure. Real faith is indestructible and will endure until the end. Once we reach Heaven, faith is no longer needed, it will be sight. It is important to know for ourselves if our faith will stand the test.
God will use different methods to try the faith of His people. Sometimes popularity is a test to see if we will stay true to God and His purpose, or will we cave to people who flatter us. He may try us through adversity. Will we keep serving and seeking when it seems the whole world is against us? Will we lean to the seemingly comfortable, nonconfrontational areas of life, or will we take a stand for what is right? We may be tested by great trials to see if we will stay true. Will our faith keep us from complaining and keep us worshiping?
He may also try us through sudden changes in our life. It’s easy to serve and worship when everything is predictable, but what about when joy turns to sorrow quickly? Such as the death of a loved one. How will you react to losing all your financial stability? Will you keep praising and honoring God when sickness overtakes you?
We need to resolve during the good times how we will react during the bad. You don’t wait to decide how you will handle adversity after it comes. You need to settle those questions long before adversity arrives. When you wait until you are in the middle of a test to make that decision, you have a 50% chance you will make the wrong decision. Resolving ahead of time is crucial. It’s that kind of strength that will boost our faith and help us to persevere during trying times. We can learn to be patient and resigned to whatever God is allowing to come our way. We can have a calm assurance that He is in control, He loves us, and He will take care of us.
Are you willing to pass through the fire, even if it means you are passing alone? All things on this earth will one day perish. Even the gold that Peter mentions will corrode or be worn away by use. However, real faith will stand the test of time.
We would not ask for trials, but we should be willing to endure for our faith. Trials will purify our faith. Fire removes the dross from gold and when that happens it shines brighter. It is more valuable because all the unwanted elements are gone. Pure gold shines like nothing else, and that is how our faith will be when we are tested and pass the test. All the trials we go through should reveal to us a greater need for God. He will be as close as we want Him to be. When we have passed our final test the reward will be so magnificent the trials will pale in comparison. When we see Jesus the author and finisher of our faith it will all be worth it!