First Things First

We have all heard the phrase “first things first” and probably even used it. In 1989, when Stephen Covey wrote his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the number 3 habit was putting “first things first.” Putting first things first means doing the most important things in life. It means being clear about your priorities and acting on them. He gives very clear and simple instructions on how to be successful, yet when it comes to this point, we seem to muddy the waters in our application. So many times, our words and actions don’t match. So many people have fooled themselves as to what their priorities in life are and the results equal failure.

This principle is a biblical principle that should govern our lives if we are Christians. Many verses in the Bible teach us that Christ must be first. In Colossians 3:1-4, Paul is teaching us to seek the things that honor God. We are to have our affections and our love focused on Him and the things that honor Him. We are to be as a dead man because our lives are to be so focused on Him that others see Him when they look at us. Is Christ evident to all those around you by the way you live your life?

Colossians 3:1 “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.”

Matthew makes it clear in Matthew 6:33 that we are to seek God and the things of God first! What does it mean to seek? Have you ever needed to be somewhere and couldn’t find your car keys? You turn everything upside down, focusing only on finding your keys. Until they are found, it is your number 1 priority. Barnes Notes gives this commentary on Matthew 6:33. “Seek first His kingdom; seek first to be righteous, and to become interested in His favor, and all necessary things will be added to you. He has control over all things, and He can give you what you need. He will give you what he deems best for you.”

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” 

From time to time, we must all check ourselves in the area of priorities and make sure that what we say is number 1, is really number 1 in our actions and our attitudes. Living a successful Christian life is much more important than living a successful life in our profession, yet we seem to put more emphasis on the world’s view of success than we do on God’s view. We need to rethink the big picture of life. What we do for Christ is the only thing that will last forever. All that we do, work, play, witness, or whatever, needs to have the big picture of Christ first. Take advantage of opportunities to show Christ first in your life by the way you treat others. Show the importance of Him by turning down invitations that will conflict with opportunities to worship at your church.

Take this little test to see where your priorities stand.

  1. Does it upset me when I miss my time alone with God each day? Is my sleep more important than quiet time with Him?
  2. Do I love people enough to go out of my way to show them God’s love, with the intent of winning them to Christ or helping to bear their burden?
  3. Do I put attending church first above all other activities, such as family gatherings, recreational sports, or rest and relaxation?
  4. Do I make provisions to attend church when I am on vacation? Or do I take a vacation from God, too?
  5. Am I willing to do without some things that I want to further the cause of Christ?
  6. Do I figure out a way to go the extra mile to serve Christ, such as witnessing or outreach, or do I feel I have a good excuse and just skip it?

These questions may seem a little extreme to you, but we are called to be extreme. We are called to put Christ first. This will be very extreme for the world, but He was extreme for us by putting our needs first and giving His life. As Christians, let us tell and show the world that He is first in our lives. As John said in John 3:30, “He must increase, and I must decrease.”

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One Response to First Things First

  1. Ron Franks says:


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