Holding Fast

Holding fast is a term used to encourage us to stay the course, to not change directions or give up. It is a phrase used in Titus 1:9 to encourage us to be firm in our beliefs and to follow through with what we know is right. It means to bear down and allow no room for quitting or discouragement. Some make a decision, one they know in their heart is right, but when tough times come, they give up and quit. Sometimes it’s because others discourage their path, sometimes it’s because they can’t see clearly what God is doing. Fear takes over and the truth is diminished. To hold fast what are some elements we must incorporate into our lives?

Titus 1:9 “Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

First, we must be fully convinced that God is always right and trustworthy. This begins by understanding who He is. He is the creator of all the earth. The sustainer is the one who holds the world together and the one who loved us enough to make a way for us to be redeemed. That’s my God, and I fully trust Him.

Second, we hold fast because we know the situation that causes us to doubt, or desire change is not forever. This life is short compared to eternity and we must keep that focus. When we feel as if we will be alone if we follow through on what we know is right remember God’s promise of His presence.

Hebrews 13:5 “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

Third, when we hold fast, we are an encouragement to those around us. Our children and those closest to us watch how we live out our faith. When we wavier it’s telling them that we really don’t trust God. We are saying we are either too lazy to push through, or we think we know better than God. Think about how this will play out when you ask your children to trust you if you have not exhibited that trust in God. They already think they know more than you. Holding fast when you don’t understand, or see how things will work out will be a great teachable moment for your children.

When we hold fast, we are anchoring ourselves to something we believe in deeply. We must read God’s word and obey it. We must not allow any room to doubt His word. Make decisions based on God’s word and never bring them up for review again. When we determine we will hold fast to God’s word there will be opposition. It has often been said, “a faith that cannot be tested cannot be trusted.” When you hold fast you will be able to influence those who don’t believe, like the gainsayers it talks about in Titus 1:9.

Stay true, stay firm, stay in the word and stay connected to God through prayer. You will never regret holding fast to Him. He will prove himself over and over just as He did to Noah, Abraham, Paul, Peter, and many others down through the years.

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