How to Influence Others

We all have an influence on those around us, and there are many self-help books on how to influence others to get ahead in this world. We must take our instructions from the greatest self-help book, the Bible. Our goal is usually to have a positive influence instead of a negative one. So, how do we have a positive influence all the time? Several things must be in our lives if that is to happen. Our verse today in Colossians 4:5 instructs us to walk in wisdom when dealing with those who are not saved. If we want to win the world, we must deal with them with the strictest integrity. The lost world has a much higher standard for Christians than most Christians do for themselves. It is crucial that we have an excellent testimony if we are to have a positive impact. However, if you have done something to damage your testimony with others, ask them to forgive you for how you have lived before them.

Colossians 4:5 “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.”

When this was written, the Christians at Colosse were surrounded by pagans. False gods were the norm, not the exception. It is no different today. There are many false religions, but there are also those who have false gods. They just have different names for them. Many allow money, prestige, sports, and entertainment to be the things that control them. They would never see them as gods, but it determines where they go, what they do, how they spend their money, and what they love. Whatever controls you is your god!

We need to be wise in all our actions because of how others view them. If we are to be an influence for Christ, there are several things we need to consider.

  1. People judge us not by what we say but by the things we do. With that in mind, we need to be careful where we go and what we do. Our actions should not just be determined by whether something is sinful but whether it reflects the best testimony of Christ. There are many things we can do that might be “okay” for a Christian, but they may give the wrong impression of our allegiance.
  2. People do not judge Jesus Christ by what is preached or from our Bible. They will not read our Bible or hear our preachers unless they trust us. You can’t convince them to go to church with you unless they see you are real! It is your daily walk that will convince them Jesus is real.
  3. People set a much higher standard for Christians than we set for ourselves. We know we are saved by grace, and we will not live sinless lives. We all still possess a sinful nature but must ensure it does not possess us. Many who are not Christians place a much higher value on honesty and integrity than they do the doctrines of your religion. If you do not exhibit those in your life, they see your lifestyle as having no value to them. You must live a life that gives them a yearning for what you have. Going to church every time the door is open means nothing if your daily walk doesn’t exhibit your love for Christ. I have been able to lead others who worked with me to the Lord because they saw that my way of handling things was different than theirs. They asked me, “What’s so different about you?” I was able to explain to them that I was a Christian. Did I make mistakes? Absolutely, but when I did, I made it right with those around me. I wanted them to see that as a Christian, my desire was to please Christ more than anything else. I wanted them to know what allowed me to be different was my relationship with Jesus Christ. I had a relationship, not just a religion. Many people who don’t know Christ personally think they are ok because they have a religion, but you can show them the difference.

Our verse today gives us another reason to be consistent and diligent with our testimony. We need to redeem the time! Time is short. Our lives are but a vapor when compared to eternity, and you only have so many years to influence someone for Christ. None of us know how long we will live or how long others will live, but we also don’t know how long Jesus will tarry before His return. One day, He’s coming back, and no one, yes, no one knows when that will be. He could split the sky at any second, and then it will be too late for anyone to be saved. It makes pursuing excellence in all we do seem trite when compared to the value of eternity for others.

What can we do? We can start by asking forgiveness for being lazy Christians. To be a Christian of excellent influence takes work. It takes determination to know God’s word and apply it to our lives. This would include everything we do or say. We need to examine the things we watch. Do they tear down our Christian lives or build them up? What about our music? Does it make us feel sensual and in the flesh, or does it lift us to the Heavens, both in the words and music? Have you ever examined what you look at and listen to in light of the Word, or do you judge it by what you like and think is ok? We must constantly examine our own lives because even though we may make it to Heaven, it may influence others to miss it.

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3 Responses to How to Influence Others

  1. Ron Franks says:


  2. Kimberly Madison says:

    So true. Now more than ever, we must be lamps for the Lord in these dark days. God bless you for your dedication to these daily devotionals.

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