As a mom, I understand the weight of raising children. So many questions enter our minds. Should I allow this or that? Should I pick my battles? How should I discipline, spank, time out, grounding, or take away the things my children enjoy? So many questions and I need answers, but the latest books just don’t know my child. This author has no clue how strong-willed my child is, or how smart he is, or how cute he is. I’ll just figure it out as I go. This has been the attitude of Moms for centuries. They are satisfied with just getting through the day, making sure their child has a good education and high self-esteem. For most parents, the questions above never get answered, because they never read the instruction manual, or if they do, they don’t follow it. For them, it seems too hard, so they pull back and let nature take its course. What is this manual? It is the Bible, the word of God, written by men, inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is given by the one who knows your child better than you do. He knows the needs, strengths, weaknesses, and desires of your child.
The Bible is full of instructions for us as parents. In Proverbs 31 we see a mom teaching her son how to live his life. This chapter is called the virtuous woman chapter, but it is really a mom teaching her son what a virtuous woman is, so he will know what to look for when choosing a wife.
Proverbs 31:1-2 “The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? and what, the son of my vows?”
In verse 1, it is King Lemuel that is relating what his mother has taught him. Note, she is taking time to instruct. We teach in many ways. We teach most effectively by example. For instance, if we tell a child to do something, and tell them there will be consequences if they don’t, but we keep telling them and nothing happens, we are teaching them to lie. If we tell them to do something but don’t make them do it, we are teaching them it is ok to disobey. If we want them to love God’s word, they need to see us reading it, and then we need to read it to them. If we want them to pray, they need to see it, and again, we need to do it with them. We also must teach by instruction. This is taking the time to sit with the child, one on one, and teach them what they are to do. Sometimes, the next step may be to put into practice what you just taught. If we want them to pick up their toys, we teach by doing it with them a few times. If we are teaching compassion and love for others, we let them help make cookies and take them to someone. (Note, they don’t need to do much to think they have been a major part of making the cookies.)
Each method of teaching is vital to making sure our children understand what is expected of them. Each one is to be taught with the big picture in mind. We obey because God requires it. We obey because it is proof, we are His, and we love Him.
John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
There will be days where you think your instruction is in vain, but don’t give up. Stay focused on the big picture of eternity. Your goal is to mold your child into a person that loves and respects you so that in turn it is easy for them to love and respect God. If you are successful God will have no problem getting to their heart at an early age. You are teaching them to listen and obey God. Proverbs 1:7-8 is another instruction from a parent. Solomon is teaching a young man knowledge and discretion. He is teaching two general rules, to fear God and honor his parents.
Proverbs 1:7-8 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:”
We are all born with a sinful nature. We want our way and seek to get it. It is up to us as parents to train our children to yield to authority, until obedience becomes a way of life. It is this decision to obey, that will guide our children through situations in life. If they have learned to yield their will to obedience, they will be able to miss many pitfalls the devil will have in their path. True love yields obedience to us, and transfers to their Heavenly Father. The younger you mold them the easier life will be for them. A tree that is young is green and easy to bend. You can mold a sapling into almost any shape, and it will not break. The older the tree gets the harder it is to mold. Children are the same way. As parents we are called to train our children, God has given us the responsibility and the privilege. It is not an easy job, but it is the most rewarding. When you see your children, those that frustrated you to a point of almost giving in and giving up, following Jesus with their whole heart, your joy will be immeasurable.
We will continue with the instructions of this Proverbs 31 Mom tomorrow. Don’t faint because in time your reward is coming.
Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Jane thank you for this devotion. I am going to share it with my son. I ask you to pray with me about him turning his life back over to God and get his children in church.
I love you so much.
You are so welcome. I will be praying. Love you too! 😘