Making an Impact

In our world, everyone wants attention. Some want to make an impact in the world of sports. Others seek wealth to impact those around them. We, as Christians, need to make an impact for Christ.

How can we do that in a world where Christians are made fun of and ridiculed? A world that thinks we are living a delusional life. How can you convince someone that they need a Savior? How do we convince them they need forgiveness for their sins when they are confident that they are ok because they are a “good person?”

The first step is to rely on God for help. It is only through him that we can accomplish anything worthwhile and that our actions will have eternal value. However, if he leads, we can do all things through him.

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through him which strengthens me.”

The second step is to love them—not a love like the world gives. Their love is based on emotion and what they can get from the relationship. Christian love is based on what Christ did, not just on feeling an emotion. It is based on giving, not getting.

I John 4:19 “We love him, because he first loved us.”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

We live in such a selfish society that people enthusiastically receive real love. For them, it is all about getting. Their selfishness gives us an opportunity to minister to them and share Christ’s love. God’s love will flow through you to reach others for him. Don’t look for flashy ways to show your love; just make it a habit of helping all you can and inviting God to work through you.

As you experience the love of God in your own life, you will desire to engage others in his love. Keep in mind that impacting others is more about who you are than about what you do. Take a good look at yourself. Look at your life and see how God is transforming you. Ask God what he wants to do through you.

Lastly, realize making an impact for Christ is not about you! It is all about him. If they reject you, there is no need to take it personally. They are rejecting Christ. They are truly hurting themselves far more than they can hurt you. Many people get discouraged when they witness to someone, and the response is not positive. They take it personally. Understand, that we are only the messenger, God does the saving. If they are not willing to listen, or if the Holy Spirit is not dealing with their heart, there can be no salvation.

We need to bathe every situation in prayer. Prayer is the funnel that allows Christ to flow through us. When we get ourselves out of the way, God has free reign to use us, and he is glorified. Examine yourself and see how much of “you” has crept back into how you seek to serve Christ.

Romans 8:13 “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.”

When we examine ourselves and discover pride, greed, or any other sin, we need to mortify it so that only the deeds of the Spirit are left. Even the Apostle Paul declared in I Corinthians 15:31, “I die daily.” To make an impact for Christ, we must daily put the flesh in subjection to the Spirit. As we continue to do this daily as Paul did, our lives will be transformed, and it will be all about him and not us!


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