Preparing To Make A Difference

In the world we are facing today with so much violence, hatred, and illness, it is apparent God’s people need now, more than ever, to make a difference. Many have expressed they don’t know how to make a difference. They are going about their business trying to keep their heads above water with the increase in prices. They are staying home more, trying to keep their families out of harm’s way, and they see no way to witness. Some are shy or naturally introverted. There are a million excuses to not make a difference and win others to Christ. The current situations have only given us new excuses, which seem to be good excuses, to not do our duty to win others. May I remind us that God knew the situation of our world when He gave us the command to be difference makers.

One of the first things we must determine is that we will do whatever God wants us to do. When you settle in your heart that you will be obedient, your mind will start figuring out ways to influence others for Him. Jesus said in John 14:15, if we love Him we will keep His commandments. It is that simple. Obedience equals love.

The first preparation should be to study God’s word. The Bible is where we will gain truth and enlightenment to reach others.

II Timothy 2:15 “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Second, we need to pray. We must pray for wisdom. Wisdom from God will enable us to use the right tools, methods, and words to reach others. Pray for knowledge through studying, and pray for the Holy Spirit to penetrate the souls of those you will speak to.

James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Another tool I use is printed material from my church. I keep small cards from the church I attend in my car and in my purse. When I have an opportunity to engage someone in a conversation, I give them one and invite them to the services. Do people always come that you invite? No, most of the time they don’t, but it opens the door to talk about Jesus. We must remember we are the seed sower, only God gives the increase. Only God can save a soul, but He allows us to be part of the most amazing thing that can ever happen to anyone. We have the opportunity to plow the dry soil, plant the seed, and water. What a privilege!

I Corinthians 3:6-7 “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase.

I also keep a small “Soul Winner’s New Testament” in my purse or car.  You never know when the opportunity will arise where you can share God’s word with someone. We must remember the Holy Spirit is always working, and as I learned many years ago, I needed to be sensitive to Him and join Him where He is working.

While these tools are great to have ready to win someone, they are of no value unless you push yourself to get out of your comfort zone. This is the hardest obstacle you will face in moving forward to be intentional in your witness for our Savior. We all have areas we shy back from. We all have conversations in our heads that can cause us to not move forward. Some I’ve had sounds like this, “they’ll think I’m crazy, I don’t know what to say, it wouldn’t do any good, they are busy and don’t want to be bothered, I don’t have time to start a conversation I’m in a hurry,” and the list could go on and fill the page. However, I sometimes wonder how many opportunities I have missed because of excuses that were nothing but self-centered conversations in my head. If a person is lost it doesn’t matter what they think about your concern for their soul. You are trying to pull their soul from the pits of Hell. If they are saved, they will understand and be blessed that you cared. I can honestly say I have never tried to witness to someone and afterward wish I had not done so, but I have walked away I wished I had.

We must determine that a person’s soul is far more important than our comfort. We must remember that one day we will stand before God and give an account for the opportunities we would not take. If you are still telling yourself I can’t do that, or it’s just not for me, pray and ask God to help you. It is disobedience for us to do less than God expects, and He expects us to move forward to witness for Him. He loves everyone and wishes that no one would perish. Get ready! Take advantage of these turbulent times and make a difference.

Matthew 18:14 “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

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