Rain And The Big Picture

This past week we have had rain, rain, and more rain. We are scheduled to have rain for several more days. Not the kind of weather I like. Yet, I see God in all of it. He is giving me more time to think about him, more time to spend indoors doing some much-needed chores. When the weather is sunny, I want to be outside! God knows how to create circumstances that will encourage me to spend more time with Him. While I don’t like so much rain, I am thankful for the opportunities it brings.

Another value is the benefit it gives the earth. The filling of the lakes for the supply of water to all our county. God is giving us an abundance to take care of us when there is a drought. I am also thankful that while I watch our lake coming over its banks, we don’t have to be concerned about a worldwide flood. God promised to never flood the entire earth again. This period of rain brings many reminders.

It also reminds me of the judgment of sin. When God saw that the wickedness of man was rampant over the whole earth, he made, as we call it, a judgment call! God was grieved that the creation he had formed for himself, had now gone the way of serving self, and not him. However, there was one man that pleased God, Noah.

Genesis 6:8 “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”

God in his justice had searched every man’s heart on the earth but only found Noah to be a man that walked with him.

Noah had preached and told others for years that a flood was going to happen, but they still chose their own way. A way of self-serving, not seeking to please God in all things, but making excuses for their lack of service to God.  They had slowly become blinded by their own selfishness to the point that they did not know God at all.

Genesis 6:5-6 “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”

How sad that God had made a perfect world, and perfect creation of man, but through time all had gone their own way, except this one man. Because of his walk and obedience, he was able to lead his whole family to the Ark of safety.

All the rain we have experienced lately should remind us of God’s promise to never destroy the earth by a universal flood. Yet each time we have days upon days of rain it should remind us of not only of the promise but of the pronouncement of God’s view of Noah.

Genesis 6:9 “These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.”

I want to be the person that God sees as “perfect.” No not sinless perfection, but complete, maturing in him. A person God can use to accomplish his will. Noah must have been a great man for God to trust him with the honor of being used to save mankind. You see, God not only knew what he did on the outside. God knew his motives, the intent of his heart. The thoughts of his mind. The secrets he held in himself that no one knew but God! And yet, he still made the statement that he was perfect in all his generations. God also knows us this way!

We now live in a time that seems to be very much like the times of Noah, if not worse. Judgment is coming. Revelation makes it very clear that once again the earth will be destroyed. This time it will be by fire. There will be a new heaven and a new earth, but until then, we are given a responsibility and a command to be a “Noah,” walking in God’s ways and maturing in our daily life with him. We are to obey all his commands whether they be direct, such as “Thou shalt not, or Thou shall” or indirect by principle, such as not doing things that would harm our bodies. Let us stop making excuses for our laziness. Let’s get out of our comfort zone and witness for him. Pray for daily opportunities to share his plan of salvation for the souls of man. Seeking to bring as many as we can into the ark of Jesus. Let’s see the big picture where everything we do is measured by the eternal value it can have. Placing God’s priorities as our priorities. Don’t allow yourself to be short-sited and one-dimensional. This will include, being faithful to all services at your church. Supporting those whom God has placed in authority over you, such as your pastor. Taking a stand when activities interfere with worship. Doing without “things” to be the primary influence on our children. The list could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the picture by now.  I’m sure others laughed at Noah and thought he was crazy, but it didn’t matter to him. He stayed the course because he saw the big picture. Years ago, I sang a song that went like this:

“Only one life, so soon it will pass. Only what’s done for Christ will last. Only one chance to do his will. So, give to Jesus all your days. it’s the only life that pays. When you recall you have but one life.”

I want to be a Noah! Do you?

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