
In today’s world, the word redeemed is not used by many. We live in a society where people are proud and do not feel indebted to anyone. It is not unusual to hear of those who are proclaimed to be “self-made.” They walk about like a peacock. Their beautiful tail feathers are all stretched out on display, so others can view their beauty. They do not feel a need to be redeemed by anyone.

The word redeemed means to regain something that you once owned by offering payment. It is to retrieve, recover, get back, or repossess.

Redemption is something we all need whether we realize it or not. You were made by God and he owns you because he made you. In the beginning, God made everything. Man was His most prized creation made in His own image. He was loved and created for fellowship with Him. The three in one Godhead determined Man would be made in their image. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were all present at creation and we were created to be like them. Just as God has dominion over everything, he gave man dominion over the earth. He delegated authority to us, but we are still His.

Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

Psalms 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”

We were first owned by God and God alone. Yet, we chose to sin and to be separated from God. Most have chosen to serve the god of this world, the prince of the air, Satan. No, they don’t bow down to him and proclaim him as their god, but by rejecting God they have chosen him as their god because there is no in-between.

When sin entered the world by man’s choice, we were then separated from a holy God. However, God, our creator loved us too much to just let us go our own way to destruction. So, God made a plan, a plan that would cost him dearly. This is the part that is beyond my comprehension. Because he is Omniscient, he knew we would reject Him before he created us, and yet he created us anyway.

His plan cost Him the life of His Son because the debt of sin had to be paid so we could be redeemed. It had to be paid by perfection and Jesus was the only one qualified to pay that debt.

Act 2:23 “Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:”

The debt was paid so that we might be bought back. When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior God places the righteousness of Jesus on our account. This is redemption! The slave-girl in the following story is a good illustration of how we should act and feel after we have been redeemed.

The story is told of a gentleman visiting a slave market, who was deeply touched by the mental agony of a slave-girl, who had been delicately reared. She feared that she would fall into the hands of a rough master. The gentleman inquired her price, paid it to the slave-trader, then placed the bill of sale in her own hands, telling her that she was free, and could now go home. The slave girl could not realize the change at first, but, running after her redeemer cried, “He has redeemed me! he has redeemed me! Will you let me be your servant?”

This little girl got the picture. She understood fully what redemption meant. I sometimes think our blessings have become our curse. We don’t fully appreciate what Jesus did for us. We tend to serve when it is convenient. We serve if it’s what we like to do. We need to get a clear picture of Hell and the awfulness of sin, then we too will run and yell “He has redeemed me,” “He has redeemed me,” Hallelujah! I am redeemed! How much more should we serve Him who has redeemed us from sin, death, and hell? Do you want to be his servant? Then get busy and serve, without restraint and with a good attitude.  Do all that is within your power to magnify Him to everyone and everywhere. Seek to magnify him all the time. Train your mind to be God-focused not self-focused. Serve as if every action were gifts to lay at Jesus’ feet.

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