Still Thankful

We are past Thanksgiving day and black Friday. We are in Christmas mode and running in high gear. However, I want to remind us that thanksgiving is not a day it’s an attitude, a feeling, or the heart, it is knowledge in the mind that realizes everything good thing about life is a gift from God. For Christians, it should be the norm for the day, not something we need to be reminded about. If someone has to remind you to be thankful, then you are not a thankful person. We all have times when we have self-pity that takes us down a road of ingratitude, but to do so is a sin. We all have moments of pride that takes credit for what God made possible and that also is sin. Anytime we sin we need to take care of it quickly by asking God to forgive us. While the “thanksgiving” holiday is over, we are to still be thankful!

What are you going to do to feed this attitude of thankfulness? How are you going to maintain the gratitude attitude? There are a few simple steps that we all need to incorporate in our lives if we are going to be successful in being grateful Christians that have an impact on a lost world.

First, you must determine that with God’s help you will be a disciplined Christian. We all have areas of our lives that we need to discipline ourselves in, such as our eating habits and exercise habits. We understand the importance of those, but often we start and fail more times than we want to admit. The most important and effective discipline must come from our desire to please Christ in all we do. I find in talking with many Christians that a lack of discipline is the main reason they aren’t growing in their relationship with Christ, and they are not living a satisfied happy life. When you do what is right, for the right reasons you will feel at peace.

Second, set a time when you can have a few minutes with God alone. The best time is in the morning before everyone gets up and the day’s demands begin. I know, I know, you’re not a morning person. Well, neither was I until I determined it was important to my spiritual well-being. You can train yourself if it is important to you. Again, it’s a matter of discipline. You need that time with the Lord in the morning to set the mood for the day. You never know what a day may bring, but time with God in His word will strengthen you for what comes. It will help you not sin. In Psalms 119:11, we are taught that learning and knowing God’s word will help us to overcome the desire to sin. It says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” If you don’t study, you won’t have the ammunition to fight against Satan’s temptations.

II Timothy 2:15 “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Third, you need to cultivate an attitude of prayer. This is done by meditating on God’s word and spending time in prayer. When we do this our first response to any situation we face should be to talk to God. We can do this in our minds no matter where we are. You become so close to Him that it’s like having a conversation with your best friend all day because He is your best friend!

Fourth, as you learn the word of God and see areas in your life that need to change, make up your mind with the Lord’s help you will do it! Replace bad habits with good ones. Seek out ways to not allow yourself to be in situations or places where you will be tempted. If you have a favorite show you like, that is unlike what God says you should place before your eyes, make plans to have something else going on during that time until you conquer that temptation. The psalmist said he would put nothing wicked before his eyes, nor would he let it cleave to him. He wants nothing to do with ungodly things. Is this your attitude?

Psalm 101:3 “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.” 

There are many other things we can do to maintain a thankful heart, but it must start with a determination to discipline ourselves to do what is right. Get in the word, cultivate an attitude of prayer, and review your life to see what needs to change to be more like Christ.

Are you still thankful?

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