If you ask most people what is love, you would get several answers. Some would say it is an emotion. Others might say it is a decision, but no matter which answers you get all would agree true love cost you something.
If you are married, it will cost you a sacrifice of your own self. Your own body is no longer yours to control.
I Corinthians 7:4 “The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.”
As a Mom, it will cost! First, your body will be invaded with that little life and the physical changes will be unreal. You will be stretched, nauseated, sleep deprived, and the list goes on. Second, in delivery, you will feel pain like no other. This little bundle enters this world by bringing you to the brink of death. Third, you now enter an arena of total change. Your whole life now is controlled by the desires of someone small enough for you to cradle in your arms.
All relationship changes cost us something! Yet, we will succumb to each of them because we love someone, and want to meet their needs. Love always requires a price.
When Jesus asked Peter “Do You Love Me,” Jesus gave him a way to show his love. He told him to “Feed My Sheep.” There was going to be a cost for true love:
- A cost of submission to Christ
- A cost of time for the ministry
- A cost of time with family
- A cost of sleep due to concern for others
- A cost of health due to stress
- A cost of love from others, due to a stand for the right
If you are truly loving Jesus you will be loving others. When you love others there are always those who receive you in a positive way, and others in a negative way. It’s just the cost of love. True love will feel good, but at times it will hurt.
God’s love for us cost him his Son. It cost him the breaking of that fellowship with his Son. Sometimes he is hurt, because of the way we treat that love. We reject him, others mock him, and some bring great shame to his name.
At other times the love he has shown brings him great joy. When a wayward child comes home to him, when a sinner becomes a child of his, or when his children obey and glorify his name.
God is well pleased when we do good to others. The love that he has bestowed on us is cast in a positive light when we sacrifice for those in the faith.
Hebrews 13:16 “But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
The Love that cost God so much is a free gift to us. So, don’t be upset or alarmed when the love you give costs you much. You are in the best of company! God knows how it feels. He is the only one who truly understands your heart, and can also heal your heart. One thing is for sure no one paid so much for you, and no one loves you as he loves you!