All throughout time people have been persecuted for their faith in God. Currently, we are hearing of the murdering of Christians in Afghanistan. Recently an entire church, men, women, and children were gunned down because they trust in Jesus as their Savior. There may come a day when it will be here in America on our soil. We need to learn how to handle it from those who have endured to the end.
Job was persecuted because He loved God and stood firm on His belief. God allowed Satan to afflict Him, but Job stood strong. God rewarded Him after His persecution. Joseph was thrown in a well and sold into slavery by his brothers because they were jealous. He stayed true to God and was thrown into a dungeon because He would not sin with Potiphar’s wife. John the Baptist, Paul, and many, many others were persecuted because they would not bow to the gods of this world. Matthew 5:10 teaches us that those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake will be rewarded with the kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Today, thousands of Christians face persecution for standing firm on the truths of God. In North Korea 1000’s were led to Christ because of a man known as Pastor Han. However, in 2016 he was murdered because he had shared Christ. Today, in many countries it is against the law to even speak the name of God. There are many in prison because they love God and will not renounce their faith.
The modern persecution of Christians worldwide is unprecedented in its scope. There are now more persecuted believers in the world than at any other time in history. As their lives are threatened because they follow Jesus Christ, Samaritan’s Purse is coming alongside these faithful witnesses to bring relief during their distress.
In 2014, ISIS made convert-or-die threats to Christians on the Nineveh Plains of Iraq as they sought to establish an Islamic State. Christians are the number 1 persecuted group in the world today. An organization called “Help the Persecuted,” reports that worldwide every 6 minutes a Christian is killed for their faith. Every day 3 Christians are abducted for their faith and every week 37 Christians are imprisoned for their faith.
When Pence was Vice-President he said these words at a Summit for “Help the Persecuted” in Washington D.C.
“The reality is today throughout the world no people of faith face greater hostility or hatred than followers of Christ. In more than 100 countries, spread to every corner of the world, from Iran to Eritrea, over 245 million Christians confront intimidation, imprisonment, forced conversion, abuse, assault, or worse, simply for holding onto the truths of the gospel. It is a staggering thought.”
In America, we know very little about persecution. If someone laughs at us for being a Christian or excludes us from their group we feel persecuted. We honestly don’t know anything about persecution. We should never take for granted the blessing of having the opportunity to share the gospel.
We should never do anything against the law to make our case, but we should always stand for what is right. But if in our honest effort to be a follower of Christ, we are persecuted and reviled, we are to consider it a blessing. When we have done nothing more than living the Christian life, and yet we suffer, then that is persecution for righteousness.
The Bible teaches in II Timothy 3:12, that all who live godly will suffer persecution. When we have done nothing wrong, and suffer persecution, it is evidence we are a Christian. For this person, there is the promise that Heaven will be their home. They have exhibited that they are sold out to Christ. Nothing matters except standing for Jesus. Their allegiance is very clear, they have taken a stand and are ready to pay the price.
II Timothy 3:12 “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”
What is your plan when someone threatens your life or the life of your family for your faith? Are you training your children to stand firm? Think about it, and determine how you will react and answer when you are asked to renounce your faith in Jesus Christ.