Every morning when I wake up before I get out of bed, I think about what is on the agenda for the day. Sometimes, I remember something that has been forgotten and begin to plan where I can squeeze it into my day. Other times life has planned it for me, not leaving an opportunity for change, but an urgency for action. By nature, I am a planner and I like order. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always offer order as an option.
Each day God gives us opportunities to bring glory to him. We need to prepare ourselves to see and seize the opportunity to make a difference. Do you seek Him first every morning? Do you ask for His wisdom to guide you in all you do? Seeking His wisdom and guidance can give you direction and a sense of peace, that he is ordering your day. Every day is His, He just allows us to use it.
Psalm 118:24 “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
He has entrusted each one of us with 24 precious hours every day. Every day is significant, and every moment is of value to God. My concern is how we spend our time. I believe every day should be spent with eternity in view. Look at your schedule, where does God fit in? Would your schedule look any different than someone who does not know God? Does he come first in your day, with prayer and study? Getting to know Him is the key element to knowing how to orchestrate your time to bring glory to him.
Think about how you go about your daily tasks. Seek to see God working around you in the lives of others. When I talk to neighbors or even someone in a store, I try to bring God into the conversation. It’s not always easy, but usually, the Holy Spirit will give me an idea or thought that can turn the conversation into something about God. If your life is wrapped up in serving Him, this won’t be hard. You just need to train yourself to think with God in mind all the times. We are told to pray always, this is an attitude of the heart because we can’t be on our knees, or stay put with our eyes closed all the time.
Ephesians 6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”
I Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing”
Ephesians 5:16 tells us to redeem the time. This means, to rescue or recover our time from waste; to improve it for great and important purposes. In our society, we have far too much time that is used with no eternal value to us or anyone else. We spend hours reading and commenting on social media about things that shouldn’t even cross our minds. We sit before a TV and watch hours of shows that devalue God and promote mankind. We waste far too much time doing and thinking in ways that do not help us grow closer to God. Our actions need to show others the character traits of Christ. It’s no wonder the world has no desire for God. To desire something you must know something about it. You need to see it. The vast majority of people know nothing about God! It’s our place to teach and show by our actions and our words. We must be different. We can be different and still approachable and loving. This kind of thinking is a radical way compared to everyday Christians, but it would not have been odd at all for Christians in countries where the hope of eternal life is all they have.
When we begin to see our days as God’s days and not our own, it will change our total outlook. It will cause us to “seize the day,” so to speak. I desire to redeem my time, to rescue and recover my time, to be used for the purpose of building the kingdom. I want to see eternal value in all I do. It is a tall task, but one that will help us greatly in our walk as Christians. Will we reach perfection in this area? No, because we still have a sinful nature. However, if we don’t see the value in seeking to do all to His glory, we will never achieve it.
I Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”