Trusted For A Purpose

We all want to know what our purpose is in every endeavor of life, and that we can be trusted to fulfill that purpose. When you know your purpose, you can assign yourself goals to reach, and steps to reach those goals. For all Christians, our purpose is to glorify Christ in all that we do, but there are certain assignments in the church that each of us have to achieve that purpose. In the book of Titus, we have Paul writing to Titus. It appears that Paul was the one who led Titus to Christ. In Galatians 2:3, we see that Titus was a Greek, therefore he was a Gentile. In Titus 1:4, Paul calls him his son in the faith. This is a beautiful picture of how we should feel about those God has placed in our path to work together for His cause.

Titus 1:4 “To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.

Galatians 2:3 “But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised:

Throughout Paul’s letters, you will find Titus mentioned. He was a trusted companion of Paul’s and one Paul had discipled. Paul loved him, trained him, and trusted him to do as he had been taught. Titus earned the respect of Paul through his diligent service to the Lord. After some time of service together they go to Crete. This was an island, and it was infamous for its immorality and corruption. Some commentaries describe this place as evil. Paul saw the need for restoration and order in the church, so he left Titus there to organize the church with biblical leadership.

Titus 1:5 “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:

For Paul to leave young Titus to organize leadership in the church, Titus must have shown great leadership skills and great maturity in the faith. He leaves him to take care of things that are “wanting.” This is referring to those things that didn’t get done before Paul had to leave. We don’t know why Paul had to leave. It could have been persecution, or called away to another church, scripture doesn’t say, but we do know that he left Titus in charge to lead the church to fulfill its purpose. The word translated “set in order” is used nowhere else in the New Testament, but it means to “make straight upon or arrange further.”

Titus had followed his teacher well. He could be trusted to do the things Paul left him to do, the way Paul had taught him. He could be trusted to continue to build his relationship with Christ, to not waiver when false teachers came into the church. He was trusted to lead a young congregation to be a stronger body of believers.

What is your purpose in the church? Have you grown so much that you can be trusted to teach others the truths of the Bible? Has your faithfulness to all the services of the church proven where your loyalty lies with your time? Does your attitude show an eagerness to learn, and your obedience a desire to follow those God has placed over the church? Do you have a servant’s heart that is shown by your doing the menial jobs no one else sees or wants to do? Could your Pastor leave you in charge to take care of things in his absence, knowing it would be done according to the way he has taught you?

Every Christian has a purpose in the local church and God expects us to all work together. Most want a purpose that is monumental, something that seems big and grand, but God uses those who are willing to serve wherever, whenever, and however, He desires for them. To find our purpose in the church we must first be humble servants seeking to learn and then put into practice what we have learned. We must make ourselves available and understand it is not about us, but it is all about Him.


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