What Is Your Distinguishing Mark

In a world where logos define products, initials substitute words, and colors or hand signs represent a certain group, we have grown accustomed to identifying people by the “marks” they chose. We wear certain clothing to identify with certain people. We wear crosses to show we are a believer or t-shirts with verses or logos. Everyone wants to be accepted and feel connected. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be linked in if it is the right group and we are true to that group.

What about Christians? When you wear a cross around your neck does it constantly remind you of what the cross is supposed to represent? The cross, to the believer, is a representation of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a reminder of what He did so that our sins can be forgiven. It is good to be reminded and to let others know who and what you stand for. But if we wear the emblem, we need to represent it well. Many don’t know what the Bible says until they encounter someone who is genuine. However, our God will be judged by the way we represent Him. God wants our life with Him to be a transformation that doesn’t need a manmade emblem, but an inward dwelling that shows on the outside.

We are to be imitators of God. Ephesians 5:1 teaches us if we are His children there will be characteristics that are undeniably linked to Him. As He loved us, we are to love others. We are to love so much that we ought to be willing to lay down our lives for others. (I John 3:16)

Ephesians 5:1-2 “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

One of the easiest ways to determine if I am representing Christ well is to look at the characteristics listed in Galatians 5:22-25. This fruit exhibited to an onlooking world will cause them to wonder what is different about us. Each one needs to be explored to its fullness. Each one dwells within the believer but each one is not nurtured in every believer. Notice the term fruit, not fruits. When the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us the fruit is imparted to us. However, it is our choice to manifest it in our actions. It is like a child born with the natural ability to be a great athlete. He has the genetics to be great, but unless he trains and develops those God-given abilities, he will not achieve his best. When we are saved, we receive the ability to be great Christians, but it is up to us to pursue Christ to develop this fruit that has so many components.

Galatians 5:22-25 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

As you wear the emblem, you need to show the effects it has had on your life. You are to exhibit the Spirit-given ability to love others. A love that is supernatural and that can love when no one loves them back.

You are to have a joy in your heart that shows in your actions. A joy that is not dependent on your circumstances. Joy is that deep-seated emotion that comes from knowing that Christ is in control and no matter what this life holds, it can’t compare to what God has planned for us.

You are to have peace that passes all understanding. As a result of reconciliation with God you not only have the peace of God, but you have peace with God. You are not falling apart and frantic at the circumstances of life. Your trust is in someone who is greater than all your problems.

You are longsuffering with others. You are not quick to dissolve a relationship because of hurt or misunderstandings. You are patient and give space for people to grow.

You are gentle with others. You are not harsh with them when they mess up. With love, you seek to help with a gentleness that gets to their heart.

Your goodness shines through in all you do or say. Your efforts to do the right thing and that is at the top of your desires.

Your faith is exhibited in everything you do. You step out in faith by obedience to do what you know the Bible teaches.

Your meekness is demonstrated as you are patient when others do you wrong. Meekness is power under control. It does not act with sudden anger or malice toward others.

Your temperance is merely self-control. No matter what the circumstances are, temperance keeps a focus on staying levelheaded. There is no burst of anger. It is a strength that does not yield to evil passions or ungodly behavior.  

All these qualities are produced by the Holy Spirit. They do not come from our own nature. While someone who is not controlled by the Holy Spirit may exhibit some of these qualities, there is a vast difference between showing them in certain situations and having them control you.

Are these the “marks” that others know you by? When they think of you, does your love or self-control come to mind? Whatever those who know you think of you determine what your “marks” are. It may be painful, but very beneficial to your spiritual growth, to ask those close to you what distinguishes you.

While many are marked with tattoos or styles, as Christians, we are to have the distinguishing marks of becoming like Christ. If we are living in the Spirit, we are to walk in the Spirit.

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