What Must I Do To Go To Hell


This is probably a question no one ever asks. Is it because no one wants to go there or because the answer to the question is “do nothing?” I have never heard anyone say they want to go to Hell. If they did, I can assure you they don’t know much about the Hell that the Bible speaks of, yet entrance is so easy. In Matthew 7:13, Jesus teaches that the way that leads to destruction, Hell, is broad. It is standing wide open for anyone. There are no restrictions, and there will be many side streets that will appeal to the flesh. Some streets lead to sensual pleasure. These are streets that satisfy the sensual desires of the flesh. This would include the sexual desires that God gave each of us. However, in God’s design, these are to be fulfilled within the bonds of marriage. God’s plan is for one woman with one man to live as husband and wife until one of them dies. That is his perfect design. When you turn down that street, it will seem harmless. It will start with the desire that enters through the eye gate, but after a mile or so, looking will not be satisfying enough, and you will find that the longer the journey down that street is, the more involved you become with this sin.

Then, you see the street that is paved with monetary pleasures. For this, you must work hard. You spend hours each day on this street. Your family becomes 2nd to the achievements it takes to earn the money to buy the things that seem to give momentary pleasure. You prop up your ambition by telling yourself it is for your family that you spend countless hours away from them. You make more money so they can have what you think will make them happy. After spending a lot of time on this street, you realize the people you thought would benefit from your ambition for money are no longer involved in your life. The money is gone, and so are they.

The road that extends from this wide gate has many, many, streets that are dead ends. Many of these streets are one-way streets, that seemingly have nowhere to turn from them. You feel trapped and unable to navigate back to the entrance. You see no alternative but to keep following down this path. Matthew 7:13 reminds us that this gate is wide, the entrance streets are broad, but it leads to destruction.

Another trap this path has that can be so deceiving is the population of this path. There are many, many, that are on this road. They fall into the trap of believing that if there are multitudes of people going, it must be good. They feel they are having the time of their life until you get to the end of that road. At the end the destination is Hell, a point of no return. It is everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord.

Matthew 7:13 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go there in:

While the broad way is traveled by many, there is another option. It is the narrow way. The gate is strait. This strait does not mean there are no crooked paths, as the word straight would indicate. The word strait in this passage means “pent up, narrow, close,” and not obviously entered unless much effort is put forth. Albert Barnes says Jesus was referring to ancient cities that were surrounded by walls and entered through gates. Some entrances were private passages and they were narrow. Only a few would be seen entering this way.  Only a few, as compared to the broad gate that many would take to destruction.

Matthew 7:14 “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. “

Only those who diligently seek this path would find it. While the broad way is easy to see and enter, the narrow is just the opposite. Christ is available to all, but we must diligently seek Him. The word “strives” in Luke 13:24 means to agonize. It is to put forth every effort, to be actively and earnestly seeking to overcome sin and gain Heaven. It may be a narrow way, but it is such a worthwhile way. It is a way that leads to eternal life where everything is perfect. Those who navigate this narrow pathway will enjoy its rewards. Heaven will be their home and they will be in the eternal presence of God their Father and Jesus their Savior.

Luke 13:24 “Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

So, to answer our original question, “What do you have to do to go to Hell?” The answer is nothing!

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