In this world, there are all sorts of people that draw the attention of the masses. Hollywood starlets have always been an attraction for mobs of people. They live so differently from the common man that curiosity causes people to stand in long lines to watch them on a screen, pay hundreds of dollars to buy a ticket to see them, etc. Musicians gain the same attention with groupies that follow them all over the country, hoping to get a chance to meet them. Now, there are also sports players that warrant that same attention. Children mimic them and want to be like them when they grow up. Grown men lay everything aside to watch them play. Our world is consumed with paying the salaries of these so-called superstars and pays dearly to watch them. However, few feel that way about the one who gave everything for them. They push him aside not realizing what they are missing. Paul had it “right on” when he spoke of knowing Christ.
Philippians 3:8-10 “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”
Paul was saying that anything in this world that he had gained he would totally give up, and count it as a loss, and as rubbish just for the opportunity to know Christ. Paul was a man of power and means before he met Jesus, and surrendered his heart to him. Once he understood the excellence of knowing Him, he had no desire to turn back. He was committed to Christ and the work of Christ. His life meant nothing to him. All he wanted was to please God by serving Him.
What are you willing to give up to know Him? What about your time? If you are going to be in a relationship with Christ, a real relationship, not just a Sunday morning show up’ and put your time in, type relationship, but a real life-changing, day by day relationship. You will need to take time to study who He is, and what He is all about. When you really love someone that time commitment is not a “chore” it is a joy. It is something you look forward to each day. I’ve been married 46 years, and more now than ever, I look forward to each day being with my husband. Do you feel this way about spending time with God?
What about your finances? I love to buy gifts, I enjoy making others happy and watching them open them up. I have four grandchildren and I love giving to them. It pleases me, but not as much as it pleases me to be able to give to God. To be able to help those who need help. To have that compassionate heart that Jesus has for us. The least I can give is a tithe. You see, that is already His!
What about your abilities? Do you waste them on things that have no eternal value? Do you use the talent and abilities for His glory? If you bake, what about taking a freshly baked pie or a cake to a neighbor, not for a special occasion, but just because you want to show them you care. When was the last time you opened your home to someone besides close friends or family? I love opening my home to others. I like making people feel special, and going beyond the expectations of people. You see, that is what Jesus did for me. He went far beyond any gift I could give back to Him. He also continues to amaze me with His care for me now. God gave me and you what we have, to use as a gift back to Him. How much you have is not the issue. If you have little, use little, if you have much, use that abundance for Him. He wants us to use them to reach others, not just take care of ourselves and enjoy our things.
I want to be like Paul, to count everything I have or am, as lost for the one who gave everything for me. I want to know Him in all His glory. I know that will not be possible until I reach Heaven, but I want to know as much as I can while here on this earth and to continue that process until the day I die. How much do you know Him?